Is down for everyone or just me? Our tool checks url's reachability in real-time. This page lets you quickly find out is it down (right now) for other users as well, or you are experiencing some kind of network connection error. Please ticket allow us a few seconds to finish the test.
Last updated @ (UTC/GMT -8 hours) . Your timezone is set to UTC -8 hours (CET)
Unknown Unknown Unknown New York (US East)
I wish to receive notifications to email : Email inValidation! About problems with following sites Email when 's website change status from downtime to uptime or uptime to downtime . It's free!
The above graph displays service status activity for ticket over the last 10 automatic checks. The blue bar displays the response time, which is better when smaller. If no bar is displayed for a specific time it means that the service was down and the site was offline.
3 months ago
2 months ago
2 weeks ago
We have tried pinging website using our server and the website returned the above results. If is down for us too there is nothing you can do except waiting. Probably the server is overloaded, down or unreachable because of a network problem, outage or a website maintenance is in progress...
Don't worry! There are several reasons why the status shown on may not match your experience. There may be a service disruption affecting only certain users. For example, there could be an isolated problem impacting only a specific feature or blocking access only for a particular region. The issue reported on may have just been resolved. ticket If so, the service status will return to normal shortly (for example, once users stop reporting the problem). There may have been a false alarm. From time to time, our sources may incorrectly show signs of a service disruption when there isn't one.
Browser Related Problems Force a full refresh for the site. This can be achieved ticket by pressing CTRL + F5 keys at the same time on your favourite browser (Firefox, Chrome, Explorer, etc.) Try alternative ticket urls such as Clear the temporary cache and cookies on your browser to make sure that you have the most recent version of the web page. For instructions choose ticket your browser :
A Domain Name System (DNS) allows a site IP address (192.168.x.x) to be identified with words (*.com) in order to be remembered more easily, like a phonebook for websites. This service is usually provided by your ISP. Clear your local DNS cache to make sure that you grab the most recent cache that your ISP has. For Windows - (Start > Command Prompt > type "ipconfig ticket /flushdns" and hit enter). For details choose your operating system : If you can access a website at office or from a 3G network yet it's not working on your computer, it is a good idea to use an alternative DNS service other than your ISPs. OpenDNS or Google Public DNS are both excellent and free public DNS services. Check our help page for step-by-step instructions on how to change your DNS .
2 hours ago
7 hours ago
5 minutes ago
10 minutes ago
5 hours ago
9 hours ago
WHAT WE DO: Our online tool is one of the many services created to tell you when a website is experiencing trouble. ticket In short, if you are interrupted by an error message like server not found or connection timed out while you are browsing, the first thing you should check if it is just you or everyone else is noticing a service issue for that particular domain name. Simply ticket visit us, do a real-time website status check for the given web service and stay informed by bookmarking the results (in this case every time you visit the results page a new check will be performed and the status updated). Give it a try! Enter a domain name or URL address ticket in the form above and click the check button. It is that simple to use our free service.
HOW DO WE DO IT: First of all, we strip out the domain name from the given URL address (e.g.: ticket from and locate the domain's web server . Then we try to connect to this server and communicate with it by requesting the given web page's delivery. We are sending these requests from an independent network (our own servers). If we encounter an error during this process ticket or do not get a response within 5 seconds from the remote server, we consider the site to be down right now . Please note, that we are unable to examine the received page's content since thousands of checks are perfomed day by day. This means if a simple message like temporarily down for maintenance , a blank page or the content with limited functionality is received, we consider the site to be up. These problems should be solved by the webmaster. 404 and similar errors are reported as down.
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