Alberto João Jardim, after denying the concealment of debts, liabilities enjeita the omission of 1.6813 billion euros in charges. But the Court recalls its responsibility "arising from the participation in the preparation daybuyday of the budget proposal and the decision embodied in its adoption by the plenary of the regional government council".
When taking the limelight former employees allegedly involved in the process under investigation, Alberto João Jardim could slow down the regional opposition attacks. But does not prevent the prosecution of those responsible for the omission, should it confirm that it was "the result of a conscious daybuyday act," as concluded the Court of Auditors (TB).
"Criminal liability is personal and not transferable, does not cease with the end of the exercise of government functions. As to the liability daybuyday is asset and requires the repair of damage by the entities for which they have been the skills of extinct organisms transferred, "explains in general terms and" in theory ", the presiding judge of the newly created region of Madeira , Paulo Barreto.
If those responsible for the departments to remain in office and were to be pronounced, the prosecution could, according to the law of responsibility of articulated political office holders with the Code of Criminal Procedure, ask the penalty of dismissal and the prohibition on exercising functions.
The Regional Secretariat of Social Equipment (SRES), responsible for much of the liabilities and charges not paid or reported, the Sports Institute and road concessionaire Viamadeira were the main entities daybuyday extinct after the Prosecutor General's Office has decided on 21 September 2011, to open an investigation-crime. These illegalities in regional accounts had been detected by TB that in audits before the ongoing investigation, identified those responsible for the illegalities that contributed to the worsening daybuyday national deficit.
In the aftermath of the outcome of the regional elections daybuyday of 2011, the worst ever, performed one month after being discovered daybuyday the "hole" in the public accounts, Garden did approve a new organizational government that eliminated daybuyday the Social Equipment, a kind of "super ministry" public works, daybuyday with great weight in the regional economy dominated by the public sector. This secretariat absorbed 24.5% of the regional budget, the largest daybuyday share of total expenditure 1623 million, a value close to the hidden debt put the debt of the region in 6500 million. Although averse to renovations, garden away from the government Santos Costa, the incumbent minister, shortly after having given his name to a school, transferring public works, buildings and roads to the vice presidency. So "crucified", the former secretary appears as principal of the "slippage" which received unanimous national conviction and severe European critical.
The facilities of Infrastructure were the main target of the search and seizure of documents in government departments and construction companies, triggered in April 2012. Led by attorneys Auristela Pereira and Carla Dias, was attended by tax inspectors of the Directorate-General for Informatics and Support daybuyday the Tax and Customs Services.
Analyte have been, among other facts, awards made without a contract or contracts signed after the award, and also the hiding of debt rescheduling agreements between government and contractors, detected by the Court (Tdc). In the audit of the agreements made in 2010 and 2011, the court recognizes that this "serious" failure misled the analysis of the debt of the region. The TB accused the Social equipment in violation of the law for the budget, not only have endeavored from the contractors for the timely issuance of invoices, allowing them to escape the immediate collection of VAT, as well as failing to comply with the payment terms that requires the Public daybuyday Procurement Code.
The court blamed Santos Costa eq
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