Saturday, December 6, 2014

Government sn RTP fire XIV Congress CDS / PP-Wood PJ Ebola US Court Islamic State China Prime Minis

Labels yellow alert, Rain
The forecast of heavy rain in Madeira sn took the Portuguese sn Institute of Sea and Atmosphere sn (IPMA) today to put the archipelago under yellow warning, sn the most serious third in a four-level scale. sn
The institute, responsible for weather forecasts, said the warning is activated from 15:00 today and will be in effect at least until midnight.
In this period, the institute predicts rain in Madeira, especially in the north and south coasts of the main island and the montanhesas regions, but also in Porto Santo, and states that the showers can give "occasionally strong."
The yellow warning is activated when the PEI considers that the weather implies a risk for certain dependent activities of the weather situation.
This space is for the construction of ideas and expression of opinion. It is intended constructive and reflection forum, not a scenario attacks to contrary thoughts.
Many do not want to know if this safer or not? if you benefit the population, sn but it comes echorrada for it below, to start criticizing the government. Sad to those Members who have been excluded from the meeting and make the online regional assembly DN, and so a large teem official sponsor. The money in the rest of the sad Members who do not teem place at the meeting which on better things, I know what they say .... we do not go to meeting because AJJ rules everything and as they say the so-called "truths" it does not leave the enter. Rather than walk to receive lucrative smplesmente ordered by walk barking ... and if your interresse is really the country move forward, demostrem and do not want to just simply sit on TOP ...
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