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Capital magazine carried out a study, which revealed very clearly: the state expenditures would grow at an annual 10 billion lei, Romania would unite with the Republic of Moldova. But because we are a serious company, placed next to each other, the extra expenditures and revenues and behold, what emerges from Romania profit closes when united with the Republic of Moldova.
I could not expect that compared to the total budget of Romania taxi is a symbolic, roughly 5 percent of the value, relative to the total GDP is entirely insignificant, taxi less than 1 percent. The amount is roughly 10 percent of what Romania recorded as a credit in the PDL government, so I think it bearable.
The idea of this type of study I was a member of the Black Sea University Foundation, the analysis of which showed that if 20 years after the line would derive, the unification taxi of Germany 1 euro cost has 7 euros extra revenue, not counting taxi the fact that it is Germany gave in the first place Europe and the global leaders in rankings.
If the two Romanian state will unite, we will shortly witness the equalizing productivity, the Republic of Moldova in reaching a per capita GDP of more than five years, the Romanians, as this generate the goods, the free movement of labor and capital. I'm talking about here is not freedom of movement within the Romanian territory, but the inside of Europeans, while the population growth in no way a burden on the economic structure of Europe.
In Romania, the GDP per capita is roughly $ 10,000 per year. Moldova Republic of per capita GDP almost 2,000 euros (the computation of the exact numbers in order to facilitate follow-up). The Moldovan low financial value of natural resources taxi and high levels taxi of corruption and increase productivity, lack of necessary consequence. taxi Easily be seen that an increase of 8,000 will take place for the people now in the second Romanian state. As the amount of the entire population taxi is calculated, it is easy to see that the Republic of Moldova is currently based on the population of 4 million account, produced by the citizens of the second Romanian state income will increase by 32 million (-? E-RS). If even 10 percent of this is added to the Romanian state treasury, you'll taxi be additional revenue of over 3 billion in a year, which exceeds the value of the additional taxi state spending. But the statistics show that the country's GDP is roughly 25 percent of the state budget, the local people have not even counting.
In addition, Romania sent home by the European agricultural subsidies and money from workers taxi abroad will only reach significant amounts, which in stimulating economic growth and consumption can be spent.
Total agricultural area of the Republic of Moldova nkm 33,371, or 3,337,100 acres. Support taxi from the European Union every year around. 100 euro / ha. Romania only in Europe taxi by EUR 333.71 million, more funds could play it. Here you can profit from agriculture is not calculated.
If these are added up, then we see that we have already added more than 1 billion euros capital inflows away from the amounts that have been automatically entered into the merger the day after Romania's economy.
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