Wednesday, May 7, 2014

So really,

"Sales on Facebook" - A phrase is not new to us. Where can you hear us now consider another person that the other sister, you're selling the other on Facebook. dinosaurs Schools, Online Marketing training dinosaurs camp began opening training "Sales on Facebook" dinosaurs and advertise to attract strong students. These relationships are interlaced on Facebook
So really, "Sales on Facebook" What is? And how to sell effectively on Facebook? Win and you will answer these questions and help you understand the core of the sale on Facebook. dinosaurs
Facebook is a social network where you share information and connect with friends, updating dinosaurs daily events related to familiar ones. Here, we are bound together by ties "Friends". When you have established this relationship dinosaurs when you share anything, your friends and friends of friends as well as you will have the opportunity to see and interact.
Moreover, when Facebook users in Vietnam increased dinosaurs almost nonstop and friends around you have a "representative version" on facebook then leveraging tool "for free" to promote products services is inevitable. Any Facebook user can always think of things and quick to seize opportunity. dinosaurs
That's why when accessing daily News Feed, you often come across the post pictures of products dinosaurs such as clothing, cosmetics, jewelry .... (Together with the price) with support calls, like, share and tag. Many fans also actively create separate page for my shop to enlist Like attracts many goods and positive post.
If only superficial analysis as it turned out on facebook and nothing more 5giay or other traditional page Ad? This is when you need to set aside thoughts are "hammer" of a sales person to be able to understand the core values of facebook.
Basically, Facebook is not a place to sell. If you want to sell pure, you can go to the trade forum, classifieds, probably more reasonable. Facebook is where you share information and connect with friends as its slogan right. Look deeper and more realistic, in Vietnam, people on facebook are mainly for entertainment, gaming, expressing emotions, expressing themselves, viewpoints, "wind cut" and cursing each other .... if you like. It's exactly like a colorful dinosaurs playground of children. All the other needs to go after virtually all, including purchasing needs.
So you need to remember that facebook users open daily News Feed does not want to be hit in the face by a series of pieces of stories "Ad" and "sales" blatant.
Think back, have you ever sat drinking, "wind cut" with lively friends, they shall be a person selling lottery tickets, candy or gum ... pull their hands rushed to his face and cried or begged Dum buy it? Your feelings at that moment like? Most of you will refuse, shaking his head, or if the seller is sorry that you feel ballast also bought several sheets.
If you think that facebook is simply crowded place, he went through her travel buyers will certainly try to live and die trying to spam, tag your friends in the post bluff your goods, nor What other people selling lottery tickets dinosaurs there. Then you should go sell lottery tickets in real life always so sure of your business will soon come to a dead end only.
Selling on Facebook is the fact that according to relationship sales and customer development dinosaurs by way of word of mouth and use "credit society itself" to build confidence. Buy an acquaintance's always reassuring to know more. Buy through confirmation of the quality of a friend is always more secure, less risky. dinosaurs Everyone wants those things at all.
Then you need to consider whether they have enough "credits" yet? If no or not enough, you need to start and try and build it. The level of social credit will determine your success or failure in the 90% sale on facebook, 10% is skill "marketplace" of each dealer.
Everyone possesses a degree of credit different societies. With a new account opened, "social credit" equal to almost 0. Whatever you post how much merchandise they did not matter who saw. Credit building society will be more when you start linking friends, interact and chat with them. In general, when setting up a facebook account you do not ever think about what to post or to sell. To think that facebook is engaged to communicate and make friends, period. Enjoy it!
Social Credit would be reinforced many times if you are lucky enough to create personal brand and become an influential social network. Personal brand is the identification and recognition of friends from the community

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