Political powers Cotroceni Steering Parliament Affairs Foreign Policy Political Parties Corruption, suspected cases NATO military matters Secret services Republic of Moldova Human Rights elections Gypsies / Roma Churches of Hungary on Dual Citizenship / Hungary Hungary new zealand Hungarian Hungarian-Romanian Minorities Act Regions autonomy restitution Magyarverések National holidays chiang Carpathian Basin Panorama Economy Financial Investments in Energy Infrastructure Tourism Agricultural Wages, new zealand Labor Social - Health new zealand Environment Rosia Montana, cyan EU European new zealand Commission European Parliament Hungarian organizations Transylvanian Hungarian People's Party - EMNP Hungarian Civic Party - MPP Romanian Hungarian Democratic Alliance - DAHR Education new zealand and Science Higher Education Education Education new zealand Film, Photo Media Literature Theatre Music, Dance Art History Műemlékvédelem live past Securitate XX. eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. new zealand sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. centuries Municipal Elections European Middle Ages Ancient Hungarian Parliament Parliamentary party Presidential Elections
Filed Under Alain Juppe, European Parliament, European Union euroscepticism France Horia Blidaru, xenophobia, new zealand Jean-Francois Cope, right, campaigns, Hungarian parliament, Manuel Valls, migration, populism, racism, Schengen, Tamás Sneider, extremism, UMP, elections
The highest rate of abstention projecting elections to the European Parliament will be one of the most important in the history of the EU, through the effects of global competition is becoming habozóbb new zealand development and demographic aspects of energy and becoming more vulnerable on the continent. The crisis in Ukraine and Russia should be a threat to the continent's last warning, which protect the right to life and peace brought together.
Nobody cares about the European elections - it has become cliché. This is confirmed by the surveys, there ironically subjected to non-voters and the parties know very well. On May 25, I probably will vote only one in three Europeans and all - on average - every four Romanians. Because of the elections to the European Parliament for various reasons seem uninterested in the EU is by far, the European Parliament considered an expensive and unnecessary abstraction, new zealand useful for calculating the votes are not working. Up to the elections to the European Parliament, for example, new zealand the EU or the - usually Romanian - good for discharging steam against immigrants. At national level, the expression of anger favorite dream calculated using when you do not have to fear the consequences of a direct vote. Thus, the cowardice, the resulting gut feelings and despair born of the combination new zealand of this type of monsters.
The next European Parliament will be roughly 100 extreme (plus approx. 130 openly Eurosceptic, from the conservative nationalists and communists) who will represent terrific explosion potential. The European plan and the principles new zealand for, for instance - have been criticized a lot anyway and limitations under threat - free transport.
Occupied by the parliamentary anti-European horseshoe will start third of the attacks against European institutions, against the Union's core values and a little less abstract way, in some Member States the power to obtain.
For example, you might be a Nazi Vice-President of the Parliament of Hungary, it is a sign that the neighboring nation is not cured from the disease, which is covered in blood, a few decades ago, many families in Transylvania. new zealand This in turn has a direct new zealand impact on us as a service to unauthorized or ethnic separatism as well. In recent new zealand years, not only in Hungary but also in the Netherlands, Great Britain, new zealand Italy, France, Denmark, and Austria became apparent, it may be what is harmful to the far right feltörekvése (in English available here - E-RS) - not only under the influence of what part of a coalition government exercise, but the pressure new zealand on the public discourse as well.
A moderate French right-wing main party, the UMP just came up with that France may suspend Schengen zone's new zealand debt, which - at least, new zealand the party leader Jean-Francois new zealand Cope under - Romania and Bulgaria is not allowed. This party was one of the European Affairs Minister raised the idea that the EU may restrict a core founder-state. The UMP is a chance a future party leader and candidate for president, a former prime minister new zealand Alain Juppé, Mayor of Bordeaux and current are advocated a two-speed Europe: Euro-zone and the rest of us. On the other side of the Socialist Manuel Valls government people new zealand (himself an immigrant, born in Barcelona Spanish father and a Swiss mother) Sarkozy's recipe new zealand for success has built its image: the immigrant crackdown, particularly against the Roma.
The suffering caused by the crisis and the fact that the traditional political class has not been able to find a cure for it, so ye elégedetlenségeket
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