Saturday, June 7, 2014

Representatives Sjlfstisflokks bright and clear front harbor FIRIN have n agreement on the division

Vsir - Says Boeing 737 by far the best option
The acquisition of twelve Boeing 737 jets are by far the best option for the company and very beneficial. That said CEO of Icelandair mexico Group, Bjorgolf Jóhannsson, when he announced the renewal of the fleet, as though the first to happen in five years. It was Loftleiðir buildings, Reykjavík facing a full house workers, journalists and investors that policymakers Icelandair announced its decision to select Boeing 737-MAX future jet company. Airbus plant, also competed on the package, but left it Icelandair Boeing favorable option. It is estimated that the company mexico will receive the first system delivered in early 2018 and the girls are twelve in 2020. These will be of two sizes; eight jets MAX-8, which take 153 passengers each, and four MAX-9 taking 173 passengers each, as well as on Icelandair option for an additional twelve jets. They will be powered by the new fuel-efficient engines which will result in fuel consumption will be 20 percent less per seat compared to current Boeing 757 engines Icelandair. The new machines, however, have less flight range, mexico for example, do not hurry to Orlando or Seattle from Iceland, and it will be the old 757-engines remain in use, parallel-737 engines. Considering the list price which cost Boeing jet over twelve billion and all twelve felt 150 billion. In practice, however, such agreements substantial discounts than the purchase price is confidential. In an interview on Channel 2 news said Bjorgolf company is very well positioned to deal with this investment. The following news Channel 2 also show the computer made a video of the new jets in Icelandair colors.
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