Friday, December 27, 2013

What I see clearly is that the hand of the concept cube world currently in place of

Well, finally fulfilled my commitment and I went to Congress Arquine few weeks ago in Mexico City with something that will largely was dedicated. It was fine. Paolo were Porthoguesi, Peter Greenaway, Saskia Sassen, David Chipperfield ... I trusted the opening conference and were consecrated to develop the idea of "public space" in Henri Lefebvre. An idea ... is not. I mean, yes it is. Appears, as you pointed out, in La production de l'espace social, but on one page-433 cube world in the original 1974 edition in Anthropos-not in the sense that was raised in the discussion, but as opposed a "private space" and just to say ... that does not exist. You transcribe what it says: "... The notion" opératoire "of classement et l'espace de rangement gouverne entier, de l'espace privé à l'espace public, du suet spatiale à la planification. Elle and openly sert l'homogénéité globale, donc le pouvoir. cube world Qui range? Qui classe? L'État, la puissance "publish", c'est-à-dire politique. En fait, cette capacité opératoire Aligne l'espace "public" sur un espace "privé" classe ou celui the fraction of hégémonique classe, détient et qui au plus haut niveau entretient cube world the propriété privée du sol et des autres moyens of production. In her apparence seulement "privé" Primate s'organise sous le du "public". In vérité, l'inverse cube world (le monde à l'envers, celui qu'il faut renverser) s'instaure. L'espace is traite entier sur le modèle de l'entreprise privée, the propriété privée, de la famille: the reproduction of rapports cube world de production, alignée sur la reproduction et biologique the génitalité ".
In our discussion at Harvard had in mind that in larger cube world works such as Le droit a la ville et Espace politique or indeed "public space" does not appear. I went over and, indeed, it is. I looked at all he had Hand Lefebvre nor found no trace of that concept. cube world This allowed me that tracking the work of Lefebvre was to recognize the equivalence in Lefebvrian spatial typology find today hegemonic use of a concept of public cube world space today juxtaposed to confuse the area of free movement and access between constructed that volumes called one day street and square or Republican philosophical space citizenism recovered by both right and left as the setting for the epiphany of the abstract values of representative democracy.
What I see clearly is that the hand of the concept cube world currently in place of "public space" had now reached its most sophisticated cube world and subtle expression what Lefebvre called cube world representation of space, which corresponds to what elsewhere presented as conceived space, that provided by science, technical and philosophical theories of space in the service cube world of an ideology which can not be more than domination and, in the hands of planners, designers, architects and technocrats, becomes key discursive instrument when capitalism intervene and manage so being presented as a space, but no longer just land, since that space designed just sooner or later become building space, ie space to sell.
It is in La production de l'espace social Lefebvre distinguishes between spatial practice, representations of space and spaces of representation. As you know, the spatial practice corresponds to the perceived space, closer to everyday life and the more prosaic uses, places and spatial cube world own sets of each social formation scenario in which every human being develops his skills as a social being is located in a particular time and place. cube world Are the spatial practices that segregate the space and make him practice social space. In the context of a city, spatial practice refers to what happens cube world in the streets and squares, these applications receive from residents and pedestrians. Meanwhile, the representation spaces are lived spaces, physical spaces that surround them overlap and complex symbolic systems and coding what makes them shelter and imaginary images. It is also space for users and inhabitants, of course, but it is typical of artists, writers and philosophers who believe only describe. In the spaces of representation you can find one expressions of submission to tax codes from the powers, cube world but also expressions of clandestine or underground side of social life. Is quality space of submissions to the dominant representations of space, but also in which they drink and desertions and disobedience inspired.
Together these two spaces-the perceived space and lived space-Lefebvr

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