Friday, October 4, 2013

Such changes will tohuvabohus dawn of who I am. There, where I do not have one. Just one out of 60

which means a pilgrimage? | Tiptoe
Yatra means journey in Sanskrit, the language of Estonian modern pilgrimage. And the pilgrimage means essentially to own highways. (The long road itself is just living his life, would mean a daily meditation.)
Pilgrimage is a journey, silhouette a journey which is just as important as the destination - which is usually a sacred place. Pilgrimage venture demonstrates the commitment. Indian religions, saints, yogi myself / ourselves silhouette to finding the way. Pilgrimage idea of cleansing and stepping closer to God. As in yoga, we are all gods themselves, the aim of the yogi pilgrimage was the same as religion. The mind and the physical body itself clean of debris and thus better, clearer understanding can be reached.
You do not have to walk dusty road in southern France and Spain. But could. You do not need to travel silhouette to India. But could. Today's pilgrimage is all mental, spiritual journey to which exhausts the body so that you can reach another level mentally and baasküsimusteni. What allows you to be running away because the state has to live and it is not necessary to think about - and at the same time, there is the possibility that the physical exhaustion and mental state holiday to let your mind fly. Begin to notice patterns in your life, behavior, thinking, and forget about the insignificant.
Self and lives a completely different silhouette perspective vision contributes to stay far, far away from home, and for a long time, physical exhaustion, India, or any other new and challenging environment, close together with a larger group of loitering silhouette and spiritual atmosphere because all of these people silhouette engaged in daily yoga. These were my pilgrimage silhouette keywords.
The first week of my ego sulk and protest turns. I felt like a fresh parent of triplets - long days and short nights, and a completely new situations spins my head, and sometimes went around the world to fatigue. silhouette
What happens if I'm outside of your everyday comfort zone? What are my limitations - from which point I give up physically silhouette and mentally? What I feel and how I act? Which companion, I'm being physically exhausted - sleep deprivation and fasting, India ignorance. What did I miss? For which I am grateful for your everyday life in Estonia? What kind of an environment, and what kind of people I nurture and soothe, what tiring, exhausting, and which lead to quite upset and angry with me?
I'm learning about itself, as I am willing to make an effort (physical and mental exertion is joogafilosoofias largely the same). How much can enjoy ongoing state of exhaustion and intensity of India? silhouette How much can keep running condition and rely happening? How important it is for me a sense of security silhouette in knowing when is the next vetsupeatus, when you can eat, how much time remains for sleeping, what kind of things you need to take, and to me it is indeed contagious disease, silhouette etc., etc.? How much do I worry, regret? silhouette If I miss a lot of agreements silhouette vettpidavust, control over the events with me (= lots of sleep and eat me be, what is going to happen next, etc.).
If I'm two weeks of all time, with 60 people a day through, and at times even been Playing six-bed sleep as I need solitude and how do I express it? How to behave with other people in such a situation? What I feel inside myself and how I would behave? What kinds of people, if any, I'll draw some? And in what situations I find myself in? What a compliment to me others are doing - or not doing? Who I like and do not like, and why? Is it loud everything organized and checked catching lady irritates me, because I am myself in parts the same, although I can restrain yourself today?
Such changes will tohuvabohus dawn of who I am. There, where I do not have one. Just one out of 60 pilgrims. Just one billion silhouette people in India. The Earth's six billion. And yet some of its task. His ego. Your body. His soul. When the focus is largely on the physical body, I start noticing what dreams and thoughts in my head have yet to hear. Reflections are different, but the issues are largely the same. And the feelings that these issues arise thoughts unavailable, is also the same. I mean, not the same, as in, just the same as during the pilgrimage. The pattern begins to loom. I know that is the most important issue, what bothers me is the idea and the thinking which gives a warm feeling of security.
New environments and with different experiences of people, a whole bunch of ideas. I notice the idea of what makes me feel rõõmujudinaid and what the idea of staying indifferent. They first must sooner or later come true!
Pilgrimage conditions silhouette begin to understand what parts of ourselves as accept and what parts are acceptable. We examined a teacher who washes himself going to the bathroom indian arm and ladles, and not use the western toilet paper

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