To succeed, the MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses or telematic and massive open courses) could take the final step to break the walls of the classroom, to release the kind of talent (or not) the busy teacher who was present, to stun traditional rows of chairs and tables looking face to face with a blackboard or to return obsolete those good manners to ask to speak by raising his hand and waiting for the teacher saw it and the grant ...
Or going to the truly essential, the MOOCs would be the culmination of the destruction of an ontology of reality where knowledge is "owned" by a few, while everyone else can not access it except through the homage and imitation those few "keepers". A closed sao paulo conception sao paulo of knowledge and knowledge where it is not something open to any researcher, ie something you do based on their own interests-obviously in collaboration with others, literally everyone.
Unlike sao paulo knowledge continue to be something owned by someone, who must submit yourself somehow so I can "educate" transmitiéndote his knowledge. And what's worse: while virtually inseparable and form with "his" namely also transmits all its limitations, assumptions, values and ideologies. Ie education sao paulo and transmission (quite sao paulo important things first and do not criticize) carried out independently of the interests and values of the receiving-so-can not emancipate, but to the interests of the issuer, therefore, holds on First some kind of protection, intellectual superiority or colonization.
Normally MOOCs connectivistas theories presuppose sao paulo knowledge (G. Siemens, S. Downes ...). This evolution culminated in recent decades in the design of education and knowledge transfer. sao paulo For example the innate ability of human stands to build spontaneously know and come to the knowledge freely and spontaneously interacting with the world as much as the rest of humanity.
Such human ability to freely build knowledge sao paulo is widely observed in the long process of humanization, sao paulo with growing literacy back to the Neolithic and accelerated with the modern revolution, and, especially, with the technological and cognitive revolutions of recent decades. In all these processes, we have found definitely important examples of acculturation based on the master-disciple relationship, but many more based on the free pursuit of knowledge based on their own interests and needs. sao paulo
Obviously deny that research and knowledge producan alone, it definitely is usually very negative when it is permanent. They also deny that the best learning situation is one where the "learner" or that asks questions, must necessarily be subject to discipline and obedience that "possesses the know".
The MOOCs claim, however, the highly innovative and creative value that arises from the active interaction of each and from one's own motivations, potentially sao paulo infinite network with those who are similar issues and have relevant information (though sometimes sao paulo partial).
The MOOCs are based on the finding of great cognitive power that arises when a large number of motivated researchers converge and interact in an effective and mutually supportive researcher network. That seems to be the best environment for learning and creativity, while much freer and more productive than the simple imitation of a teacher or even the lectures sao paulo of this (allegedly quintaesenciadas).
The most advanced educational theories and MOOCs propose an alternative model to model the "lectio" medieval scholasticism. They also oppose the German university model (from the creation of the University of Berlin -1810 - by Wilhelm sao paulo von Humboldt) linking teaching and research and is still the basis for many of today's famous universities. Comparative studies say that the biggest difference between the lectures and the autonomous creative interaction is not given in terms of the attention it generates in students (which is very similar). But time is given to the motivation and involvement of students, which is far superior to the traditional passive lecture, also occurs in memorizing and remembering what they learned in the long term (something which always seems to be in connection with the level of motivation and personal involvement at the time of learning).
The difference in favor of the autonomous creative sao paulo interaction and above traditional systems occurs mainly in appreciable
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