Sunday, December 22, 2013


I am 35 and very lucky, because the best-known neuroscience how the brain works in network-just begun. Married to a redhead clever: a child of five who gives classes. Neuroscience is still irrelevant to justice. Collaborate with CosmoCaixa
Confucian competitions that require memorizing huge agendas, enshrined here professions exist in other advanced countries, such as recorders, we soon drawn hundreds of euros for birth or death certificates, free today. Opposition learns to meet long-term goals and eyelashes burned by them, while others simply exercise our profession. Now Dr. Buckholtz-even without having in passed examinations rote-provides evidence that the planning exercise improves memory self. So if you want to fulfill their resolutions for 2013, beginning with memorizing. Good luck, folks!
Because it is the mother of all skill other and when we fail, so is our behavior problems and for many crime. Criminals are by their lack of control of their impulses and primal instincts.
Not only inheritance. And that is good news. We have shown that self-control is related to our ability to memorize and schedule events in time. And it is much improved with exercises.
Therefore, in if we exercise in the memory planner also improve our self, our long-term discipline and, with effort and method, our skills, from knowing how to play the piano to lose weight.
I do not speak in such a simple nor as rote memory. We have just shown that there is a relationship between self-control and the ability to memorize and scheduling acts, then, must be met.
We still can not describe it accurately, but the brain used to store programs of action is also skilful to postpone immediate in gratification, because it also postpones instincts.
If you want to lose weight, is not so much the ability to sacrifice and be able to say "no" hero piece of cake to plan as to memorize and follow a healthy diet. Thus memory helps overcome in instinct.
We describe it as a kind of meditation permanent contact in with your goals: to have a presence in your mind and visualize program often stages and success-the end-reward those plans.
Impulsive tempted because their attention is difficult to relegate immediate gratification. He is so focused in on the immediate pleasure of food, drugs, sex ... who are unable to postpone it in exchange for other post.
Our laboratory is behavioral, but contrasted with a scanner of the known functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and other biochemical with which we measure dopamine levels.
I'll leave you something very clear: science and pursue justice radically different purposes. Science, averages from results of individual experiments, inferred results valid for all species.
No, because the brain of each of us is different and unique, in and that individual in responsibility is precisely what is judged by justice, in morality or ethics: scientists never judge each human beings try to each teach us something from everyone else.
We have discovered a neural area that is activated when we lie. And the press is chasing us, but I made it clear that its activation varies in each individual and, therefore, we can not conclusively prove the sincerity of each person.
Study conducted between people and pets
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"Loneliness is the rule of conscience," Soledad Gustavo Adolfo Becquer. in A word that means shelter for some and for many r ...
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