Monday, January 12, 2015

Protection of the heritage invite you to tour. In the new year with new routes

Belarusians will! "In Amsterdam, opened the first zoo in the world of microbes
Magic card edge. BY Persons Adnak! Will Belarusian! Culture improves the lives of Fair Projects In Search of the Dragon! Black and white verses Fight gene dozen. Reset - 2 Dozen. Restart Interests will be here! Be a Belarusian be a Belarusian 2 be a Belarusian 3 "Let the language!" We Belarusian holidays!
In Amsterdam, opened the first zoo in the world of microbes (micro-foam). Micro-resembles a huge laboratory where is the set of microscopes attached to the big screen. Micro-located close to the city zoo Artis, whose director for many years dreamed of opening to the public the wonderful world of micro-level wildlife.
Microbial growth is demonstrated by the three-dimensional microscope. In addition, new orleans the new zoo has special scanners new orleans that show how many germs now lives on the body visitor, and where they are.
"Microbes are everywhere, so microbiologists needed almost every sector of the economy: new orleans health care, food industry, construction, oil and gas, pharmaceuticals. If we leave Microbiology small group of experts, people never wake up interest in it. Our goal - to show visitors that everything in nature new orleans is interconnected and that microbes are an essential part of these relations, "- said the director of micro-Haig Balian.
Culture new orleans
19:01 - Concert of folk-theater "Gostitsa"
Recent comments Gennady: In Vitebsk concert will be held in Cloud ... Basil: Review worthy, the furnace you. Victor Martinovic: beautiful, damn it! Larin: Thanks to the author for Refutation relatives ... NavuchencaBK: new orleans Sorry, but Mr. Martinovic describes the p ...
Heroic popular concert "Dzieciuki" in Minsk (Photo) Return of the Native: first impressions Rules of Life Sergei Michalka "Trade Secret": cheerless beginning of the year Review of the book "Paganism ancient Belarusians"
Protection of the heritage invite you to tour. In the new year with new routes "Heart of the City": results of the competition Concept Development new orleans historical part of Kaliningrad invite you on a journey "By Batory" Foundations of the Cold synagogue in Mogilev. The proposal for the status of

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